Played on halfcourt,
3 Players on + 1 sub
Rules Of The Game

21 minute
gametime limit

Inside the arc = 1 point
Outside the arc = 2 pts

Ball is always in play after a made basket

First team to 21 points wins, or team leading after 21 minutes

The Rules
3on3 Live uses the official rules of FIBA 3x3 Basketball (with time and foul/ free-throw rule modifications). We recommend watching the two videos below to get a complete understanding of 3x3 basketball so you know what to expect in a 3on3 Live game.

SUMMARY of Gameplay
Check out this video below for a quick summary of how FIBA 3x3 Basketball is played...

Summary of 3x3 Rules
3on3 Live leagues are for the players. Kids need to enjoy the sport to want to improve. The key focus is FUN! This is an opportunity to develop basketball skills in a fun, non-coached, low-stress environment. We encourage healthy competition in which kids play hard and play to win but not at the expense of belittling opponents, yelling at officials or displaying poor sportsmanship. We ask that players and parents conduct themselves appropriately and exhibit good sportsmanship.
- NO COACHES. Players will handle their own substitutions and plays.
- NO FIGHTING/ TAUNTING. Fighting will result in game forfeiture and immediate suspension from the league. Taunting before, during, or after the game may result in team suspension.
- PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL to 3on3 Live Staff Members.
- No coaching. Cheering, however, is encouraged. Let the kids play and figure out some things on their own.
- All players need completed liability waivers signed by a parent/guardian to participate. If short players, teams may bring subs. Subs are required to have a completed liability waiver.
- Take the time to THANK A REF or staff member who did a great job.
- Help to keep the facility clean. Please pick up garbage and water bottles at the end of your games.
- No swearing, taunting or inappropriate verbal or physical behavior. Unsportsmanlike play may result in: 1) Warning; 2) Sitting out (ref discretion); or 3) ejection from the game or league.
- If unnecessary or excessive fouls occur, the ref may impose a technical foul (2 pts plus the ball). - No hanging on the rim or net.
- League jerseys/ shirts are required to play on gamedays.
- Players will demonstrate good sportsmanship and shake hands with their opponents
3on3 Live uses the official rules of FIBA 3x3 Basketball (with time modifications).
Check out this video below for a detailed summary of the Official GAMEPLAY Rules of FIBA 3x3.
Game Rules
Any game may start and end with any number of players (3, 2 or 1) but the games will start on time as scheduled.
Both teams will warm-up at the same time prior to the start of the game.
No dunking is allowed during warm-ups.
Game time is game time but it also forfeits time if a team is not available
Initial possession will be determined by coin flip – winner decides to take ball or not (in order to get the first possession in a possible overtime)
Each game will be played up to a score of 21 points. The first team to reach 21 points is the winner of the game. 'Straight-up' rule applies, meaning teams are only required to win by 1 point.
One (20) second time out allowed per team.
A field goal inside the arc is worth 1 point.
A successful basket from behind the arc is worth 2 points
All games have a 21-minute time limit, and the clock will only be stopped during time-outs and injuries.
The team leading at the end of 21 minutes will be declared the winner.
If the 21-minute game time expires and the teams are tied, the game will enter overtime. In overtime, the first team to score 2 points wins.
A coin flip before the game will determine the first possession.
The ball will change team possession after each made basket. (IMPORTANT: a ball is not considered dead after a made basket unless it goes out of bounds).
Possession following a successful field goal, defense immediately gets possession underneath the hoop (inside the lane), now making them the offensive team with ball dribbled OR passed to a player beyond the arc. Defense is not allowed on the player with the ball inside the lane following a made basket. However, there may be defense on the other offensive players. Defense may be played on the player with the ball once they clear the lane.
Possession following a defensive rebound or steal must be dribbled or passed behind the arc.
Jump balls will be called by the referee and possession will go to the defense.
The ball must be checked by the opposing team before each possession begins in a dead ball situation
Possession following a dead ball is a check ball exchange behind the arc or top of the key
After each change of possession, the ball must be “taken back” behind the arc. “Taken Back” definition is both
feet and the ball must go behind the arc and contact the playing surface behind the arc.
If the defensive team steals or blocks the ball, it must return the ball behind the arc (by passing or dribbling)
A player has five (5) seconds to complete a free throw attempt.
One (1) Foul Shot is awarded for each shooting foul INSIDE the arc and is worth 1 point.
One (1) Foul Shot is awarded for each shooting foul BEHIND the arc and is worth 2 points.
Non-Shooting Fouls are possession until 7th team foul
Penalty for team fouls 7, 8, 9 is two (2) free throws worth 1 point each.
Penalty for team fouls 10 or more is two (2) free throws worth 1 point each and ball possession
Penalty for a shooting foul beyond the arc after the 7th foul is two (2) foul shots worth 2 points each
Penalty for a shooting foul beyond the arc after the 10th foul is two (2) foul shots worth 2 points each and possession.
Penalty for unsportsmanlike foul is two free throws worth 1 point each and ball possession and counts as 2 team fouls
Penalty for disqualification foul is two free throws worth 1 point each and ball possession
Shooting fouls: When the basket is made (inside or behind the arc), count the basket and shoot one free throw worth 1 point. Whether the free throw is made or missed, if the defensive team gets possession, they must pass or dribble out beyond the arc. When the basket is missed, the offensive team can rebound and continue back to the basket.
Technical fouls will result in one free throw worth 1 point and the shooting team will maintain possession. Each technical foul will be counted as a team foul.
The referee will determine technical fouls.
Two technical fouls on one player is an automatic ejection from the game.
A technical foul for fighting is an automatic ejection from the event.
13. Players have unlimited number of personal fouls and cannot foul out
A substitute may enter the game after the teammate steps off the court and establishes a physical contact
(touch hands) with the person they are coming in for.
Substitutions require no action from the referees or table officials (however, referee may guide substitutions).
Substitutions may enter the game during any dead ball situation and not while ball is in play.
The team captain, designated prior to the start of the game, will be the team spokesman and never a
fan, coach or parent.
Jewelry, hats, bandanas, and casts can not to be worn during games. Refusal to remove these items will result in the inability to participate in the game and/or the forfeiture of the game.
Proper identification may be requested to prove age.
Stalling or failing to play actively (i.e. not attempting to score) shall be a violation.
For Tournaments Only
In any situation where two (2) teams are tied, head-to-head competition between the teams will determine the winner.
If more than two (2) teams tie, a point differential tiebreaker will be applied. The point differentials of the teams involved in the tie are totaled. Teams are then ranked according to the sum of the point differential - with the highest number placing above the second highest point total and the third highest point total next. (The maximum that you can beat a team and still gain an advantage is 15 points.)
If two (2) teams are still tied after the application of the formula, go back to (a.) to break the tie.
The score of all forfeits shall be 15-0.
If there is still a three-way tie, a three-way flip of the coin will determine team placement.